About me

Hi Everyone!


My name is Maria. I’m the author of this blog, but I’m also just a student trying to navigate trough life as she grows. 

This is a little introduction of how I got here and who I am. 

If you want to know more about what this blog is about, you can check out the Explore page

Why I opened my blog

Little I was always interested in fashion, cinema, music, story-telling, travelling, history and so many more things, and, as I grew up, those interests only grew bigger. Being born in the 2000s (05), I had no choice but to be surrounded by the rise of pop culture, TV shows, but also YouTubers and Bloggers.

I always dreamed of doing something similar to the things I saw on screen, whether it was fashion designing, acting or walking on a runway showcasing the most famous designers clothes.

Obviously, I couldn’t just DO THAT, so I just pretended. Playing like any kid would and making YouTube videos on my parent’s camera or phone, never publishing them or even reciting my favourite lines in a movie.

I was imitating the people I was inspired by, never thinking I would eventually act up on it. 

Now I am just a girl whose dreams have never left and who tries to make them come true. One way to do that for me was to take the courage and finally decide to open my own YouTube channel and blog (with the support of my family), where I could talk about my interests with people like me. And just share things like we’re back in older times when social media and internet was much more personal and free (?).

And who knows, maybe one day my bigger dreams will come true! 

Flip Me

 For a short Bible verse 🙂

Luke 1:37

For nothing will be impossible with God

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